We’ve been going around introducing our company to multiple potential clients and the question that came up all the time is why are we called Agile Technica. This means it’s high time we put out a post to explain this.
When we first came up with the name, we wanted a name that reflects the way we do our business. After a lot of brainstorming, our ways of working boils down to two things: agile and technology. Let’s get down to the details.

Agile methodology is deeply rooted in our culture here at Agile Technica. This means we prefer to work closely with our clients through collaborations rather than through rigid contracts and specifications. We also embrace the idea of learning, improve, implement and repeat. Our bi-weekly sprint (development cycle) makes this possible.
When we talk about agile methodology, it’s not just about the theories and techniques. It’s about being agile day-in day-out every day. Agile Technica’s founders are well versed in working in a fully agile environment as well as helping new teams becoming mature in its agility.
Needless to say, with our field expertise in agile transformation, we are more than equipped to help customers undergo an agile digital transformation. This can take place as a specific engagement with Agile Technica. However, just being an Agile Technica client means you’ll get a lot of learnings in agility. As an example: we do have to coach our clients in story mapping as it doesn’t make sense to use a story map if it’s just one-sided from us.

What does technica means? Well, the easiest way is to look up the dictionary. Here’s the definition according to Oxford dictionary:
“With singular concord: the body of technical terms or methods in a particular field; technics, technique. Treated as plural: a technical term or method, a technique.”
In other words, we love technology. Specifically, technology done right for the right customers. When we come up with software and architecture solution designs for customers, we think about all aspects from usability, durability and performance. It’s always a good practice for our customers if we build software while thinking of its longevity. Our solution must work under typical load. In addition, we will always use the right technology for what our customers are aiming to achieve.
Agile Technica always embraces new technology and research in our daily work. By doing this, we ensure that we have the latest know-how to build great products.
Good architecture design, clean implementation, automation, performance cloud infrastructure and quality centric are a few of our many criteria of success in Agile Technica.
In closing, I hope this post explains a bit more about our focus and what we are all about. If you have any questions, simply hit our contact page or just email us at [email protected].
Have a good day everyone!
PS: check out our blog posts and linked in feed, as we’ll keep posting new tech and agile tips.