Innovation in Broiler & Layer Closed House with Trobos Livestock
The Importance of Digital Transformation for Layer Farms Industry On Thursday, September 16, 2021, Arvy Budiarto as the CEO of…
The Importance of Digital Transformation for Layer Farms Industry On Thursday, September 16, 2021, Arvy Budiarto as the CEO of…
SERPONG-AGILETECHNICA.com EMR (Electronic Medical Records) are the digital equivalent of paper records at a clinician’s office. It is an…
SERPONG-AGILETECHNICA.com Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system integrates all departments and functions across company into a single system. It can…
SERPONG, AGILETECHNICA.com – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is software that can help a business operation in a company. It is…
SERPONG, AGILETECHNICA.com – ILDEX (International Livestock, Dairy, Meat Processing and Aquaculture Exposition) is an international livestock exhibition, whose 4th edition took place…