The Importance of Digital Transformation for Layer Farms Industry
On Thursday, September 16, 2021, Arvy Budiarto as the CEO of Agile Technica became one of the speakers and sponsors at MIMBAR TROBOS Livestock The Series 21: Innovation in Closed House Broilers and Layers. On this occasion, our CEO shared the importance of digital transformation for the broiler and layer farm industry in today’s modern times.
What is MIMBAR TROBOS Livestock The Series? MIMBAR TROBOS Livestock The Series is a webinar held by Trobos Livestock magazine and conducted by Tcomm (TROBOS Communication) with the aim of providing the right solutions for broiler and layer farmers in handling modern chickens.
Why do we need to discuss how important Digital Transformation is to Layer Farms in this MIMBAR TROBOS Livestock The Series 21? We can still rely on the help of paper or Ms. excel to take control of our business management if the number of chicks population and cages or farms is still not too large. But what if the business grows bigger? The larger a business is, the more data that needs to be collected into one unit, and the more complex data processing will be. With increasingly complex data aggregation, the work system must always grow as the scale of the business grows, one way is to do the digital transformation and use integrated systems.
So, what are the benefits of using an integrated digital system for farmers or businessmen?
With an integrated digital system, you can increase the efficiency and productivity of:
- Support complete data analysis.
All business data will be recorded in one system. - Business reports and analysis.
Because all data is recorded in one integrated system, the collection of reports and data analysis is easier and faster. And thus, the improvement of the Way of Work and Efficiency of the Product Becomes Directed.
Layer Farms Business and IT is Inseparable
Why do we need to transform our system from a traditional system into a fully integrated digital system?
- You can work anywhere.
- Easy to access securely.
- No need to spend a lot of cash on server hardware (no capital expenditure).
- Your data is safe, with a variety of options.
- The system is not affected by a localized natural disaster
By participating in MIMBAR TROBOS Livestock The Series 21, Agile Technica hopes to help broiler and layer farms in improving their performance, maintenance efficiency, and profits by using digital and integrated systems such as the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
We are honored to work with Trobos Livestock. We hope that this collaboration will create more collaborations in the future. With this webinar, we hope that the farmers will understand more deeply The Importance of Digital Transformation for Layer and Broiler Farms Industries.
Contact us to create more collaboration in the future!